July 12. Speakers: Amira Osman, progressive Sudanese activist; Rashid Elsheikh Sudanese Communist Party Marc Botenga MEP, Workers' Party of Belgium (PVDA-PTB); Jeremy Corbyn MP, Liberation, Peace & Justice Project,
10 posts
TONIGHT 16 May 1900 BST Online: Prof. Ervand Abrahamian, historian; Azar Sepehr, Women’s rights activist, DIOW; Kemal Ozkan, AGS, IndustriALL; Comrade Habib, Tudeh Party; Jeremy Corbyn MP
Volunteers are needed to promote Liberation at two trade union conferences in May and June 2023. Tasks include staffing a stall.
Watch video clips from speeches from : Jeremy Corbyn, Baroness Christine Blower, Harsev Bains, Jacqui McKenzie, Murad Qureshi