
Unison National Delegate Conference Fringe Meeting: Yes to Peace and Self- Determination! No to War, Occupation and Foreign Intervention, June 19 2024, Noon, Brighton (Friends Meeting House)

Listen back to the speeches on Spotifyand Rashid’s speech on youtube

Speakers include: Rashid Elsheikh (Sudanese anti-war activist); Joe Gill (Middle East Eye), Micaela Tracey-Ramos (Unison NEC); Molly Martin Eames (Brighton Peace Activist); Liz Payne (British Peace Assembly); Jamshid Ahmadi (Liberation); Chair: Kevan Nelson (Unison, Assistant General Secretary)

Organised by : Liberation & Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group (Sussex)

Unison National Delegate Conference, Brighton, June 16 – 20 June

Liberation Stall

Liberation is really pleased that we will once again have a stall at Unison’s National Delegate Conference, 16 – 20 June. We will have information about our activities, briefings and items for sale including Liberation T-shirts and hoodies.

If you are a Unison delegate to the conference come along to say hello. We’d be happy to brief you on Liberation’s work, how you can support us and how you and your branch can get involved.

The stall will be jointly run by our long-time affiliate CODIR.

Past events

End the Civil War in Sudan-A discussion with Fathi El-Fadl, January 29 2023

Watch the Webinar

It’s been nine months since heavy fighting erupted between the Sudanese army, under the control of the ruling military government in Khartoum, and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. Thousands of civilians have been killed or injured. More than 7.7 million have been displaced. Both parties have shown complete disregard for international human rights law as well as international humanitarian law, in particular the principles on the conduct of hostilities. At least 25 million people across Sudan are in need of assistance, among them 14 million children. 

Fathi El-Fadl is a member of Forces for Radical Change in Sudan, opponents of the current civil war, and a vice president of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR). He was previously – in the 1970-80s – a student leader in Sudan and leading member of the International Union of Students. He is based is Khartoum and thus a witness to the ongoing conflict.


Lindsey German, convenor, Stop the War coalition,

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Liberation Joint President and founder of Peace of Justice Project.

Chaired by Gawain Little, General Secretary, GFTU

Living with Peace is a Human Right – End the war on Palestine! December 11 at 17.30 GMT


Dr Aqel Taqaz, Secretary of Palestinian Committee for Peace and Solidarity

MK Dr Ofer Cassif, member of Knesset (Parliament in Israel), member of HADASH (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)

Louise Regan, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Chair of International Committee of NEU.

Ben Chacko, Editor, Morning Star newspaper

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Founder Peace and Justice Project, Joint President, Liberation

Chaired by Baroness Christine Blower. Includes Q&A.

Image: Palestinians inspect the damage following an Israeli airstrike on the El-Remal aera in Gaza City on October 9, 2023. Israel continued to battle Hamas fighters on October 10 and massed tens of thousands of troops and heavy armour around the Gaza Strip after vowing a massive blow over the Palestinian militants’ surprise attack. Photo by Naaman Omar\ apaimages