Join or Give

We rely on our individual supporters and incoming donations for all our funding. Supporting Liberation by becoming a member or with a regular gift or donation is the best way to assist in the running of Liberation, to help us achieve our long- term goals and support our ongoing work.


By joining Liberation you will receive our journal Liberation quarterly, receive updates via email on our campaigns, events and issues across the globe and participate in our policy-making annual general meeting.

Membership costs are as follows:

Individuals – £24 (waged)/ £12 (unwaged);

Local organisations e.g. Trade Union Branches – £36

National bodies – £120 or more according to size

Join us by choosing your membership type from the drop down list and clicking the subscription button below:

Membership Type (yearly)

Please fill out the membership form below and make your cheque payable to “Liberation”:

Post cheque and membership form to:

75–77 St. John Street

Membership Form


Click the secure Donate link below to donate online.

If would prefer to pay by cheque, see above for details,